
A. Juliana
2 min readJul 23, 2022


for my little angel who just turned 22 this year

bouquet of flowers; roses, sunflowers, orchids, tulips
Photo by A. Juliana (wordssism)

Silky bread in a floral bed

Cookies and chocolate milk

Being highly active, more energized than ever

I was only three, and she was still a baby

We escaped reality, floating on cloud nine,

laughing over tickles and teasing over small kisses

Then I told her a few happy tales

about this rabbit family as her bedtime stories

We were little fools who didn’t know yet how the real world works

All we know is we were alive, and we were happy anyway

We were happy anyway

Grew a bit older, the sun stopped peeking through our dusty curtain

All my simple ideations about home were stolen and torn

And she wandered on her own amidst the chaotic rhythm life had stained

We dreamt big about rainbows and unicorns,

yet got thrown into a pit full of fire arrows and monsters with horns

Adopted by turbulent loneliness,

darkness chugged down our very last drop of ingrained faith

We both thought we were alone

and nobody knew how scared we were

All we know is we were alive, but we got lost anyway

We got lost anyway

Until time helped reunite our paths;

dissolved memories of the past,

the special bond of sisterhood,

and we survived through it all

Tears blended with laughter, warm hugs on coldest nights,

sometimes heated arguments accompanied by profound silence,

also, spicy foods, sweet treats, and random jokes

about how we should be comedians instead

We both are clueless about how different yet very similar we are

Dancing through the roaring waves,

singing our hearts out during the raging storm

living no longer seems like an impossible task

For we both are grown-ups now,

and we still don’t know how to tame the wildness of this world,

but facing it together makes us a little tougher

Since all we know is life might get even crazier

and will bring us down sometimes,

but we are alive, and we love each other anyway

We love each other anyway

