Longing of a Granddaughter

A poetry to reminisce about my grandparents’ love

A. Juliana
1 min readOct 24, 2021
Photo by A. Juliana (wordssism)

Soil and sweat covered my palms

worms wriggled beneath my tiny feet

your wrinkled and warm fingers

wrapped tightly around mine

I was full of dirt yet you smiled at me

We picked overripe mangoes

my body was floating freely in the air

I swung my little, wiggly toes

summer breeze ruffled my healthy hair

I was the most spoiled granddaughter in the neighborhood

Exhausting rides after preschool

you enveloped me with a giant hug

chocolate and vanilla ice creams were making me drool

I hopped on the stairs to our patio like a jolly ladybug

I believed I was the happiest little girl in my hometown

The smell of freshly baked cookies from the kitchen,

origami airplanes, crayons, colored cardboard, and glitter

they made me believe I was born in an earthly heaven

drenched in the cadence of autumn rain fueled by joyous laughter

Once upon a time, in a dreamy rustic castle disguised as my grandparents’ house,

there were magic spells that told me that I was ever loved and it was more than enough.

